Our Geek Wedding

We really couldn’t help ourselves, I hope you won’t blame us. After I proposed and Tiffany said yes (yay!) we went out and found a place to get some champagne and celebrate and start letting the reality of what we had done settle in.
We had received advice from our friends Terry and Ashleigh, who had recently gotten engaged, that we should not plan anything for the wedding for a month. While this seemed like a great idea in principle, it really wasn’t going to happen. As obsessive planners, we just couldn’t help ourselves. So, we changed the goal a little and made it such that no decisions would be made in the first month. We found that we both had many ideas that we had gathered over the years and we would be best served by writing them all down and getting them out of our heads and in front of each other.
This is where our other common personality came out: geek. Paper and notebooks are just not our thing. We use, live, and breath technology, so it seems appropriate that technology will play a great role in the planning. Below is a quick list of what we are using so far.
- Evernote – Contains brainstorming ideas, lists, and lots of screengrabs of websites. (I upgraded to the Pro version so we could have shared, editable notebooks)
- Pinterest – Scrapbook of pictures and pretty things
- Google Docs – Oh boy. Guest list, questionnaire, budget, etc.
- And of course, this website. (WordPress)
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We will, of course, be there….Can’t wait!